We made a smooth cooperation between the wet and dry labs.


We develop software pQuant/pGlycoQuant to quantitate Label Free, Labeling and RepotIon datasets.

Visit the software from Github.

  • Release notes:
  • * Latest Version:

    pQuant/pGlycoQuant_v202407 (pQuant-pGlycoQuant_v202407)

    Release Date: 2024.07.15

    In the current version, We improved the registration mechanism.
  • * Previous Version:

    pQuant/pGlycoQuant_v202302 (pQuant-pGlycoQuant_v202302)

    Release Date: 2023.02.01

    In the current version, we fixed some bugs during glyco-quantitation when using MIR, and fixed the quantitation results analysis for N-glyco and O-glyco (Quant.glycan_occupancy.list and Quant.site_occupancy.list).

    We updated the User Interface.

  • pQuant/pGlycoQuant_v202301(pQuant-pGlycoQuant_v202301)

    Released Date: 2023.01.03

    1. In this version, we merged pQuant and pGlycoQuant into one project file.

    2. In addition, we have improved the efficiency of quantitative measurement by building a library.

    3. Some more concise and convenient functions have been added to the interface.


    Released Date: 2022.11.07

    In this version, some small problems have been fixed.
  • * If you have any questions about it, please contact "apus126@126.com".